Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's all in the HOOK!

I swear that when I first tried this product, I wasn't expecting much but I am now a huge fan and have even dragged friends into stores to buy them.  What is this wonder product you ask?  3M Command Hooks.  I am in LOVE with these products.  As someone who likes to change up their decor regularly and has particularly nasty plaster walls - this is the solution.  It all started when I wanted to hang my Christmas wreath on my metal front door.  I took a chance and bought one of the standard plastic hooks - it not only held my very heavy wreath but completely came off after the holidays - no marks!
My friend has cement walls in her apartment - I mentioned the hooks and she found that they had actual Command products specifically for picture frames and heavy wall decor.  Happy clap!!!  To have an instant solution that requires no tools, allows you to change your mind as many times as you like and goes on any surface - mirror, tile, drywall, metal etc. - I can see why the 3M brand has such a loyal following.
I'm normally not someone who endorses products to this extent but if you haven't tried these products - you are missing out!  I considered wearing a t-shirt to share my adoration however I didn't want to give any pirates the wrong idea!

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