Sunday, January 30, 2011

What's in an Office?

If you know me, you'll know that I believe decor and design are really integral to boosting a person's mood - especially in an office where the majority of us spend at least 40 hours a week.  The saddest thing is most people have offices or cubicles that have a few personal items combined with their binder and paper covered desks.  It makes for an uninspiring if not somewhat depressing atmosphere to trudge into on a daily basis.

I work for a not-for-profit so the furniture that is available to us is often second hand.  Whenever someone leaves their job - many lobby for the furniture that those employees leave behind.  It's hilarious.

I really feel that it doesn't take a lot to make one's space both personal and emotive.  Whether you want a relaxing, energizing or creative space that inspires - a few little changes can make all the difference for very little money.  Take my space - the pictures on the wall are from a discount dollar store mixed with a few gifts and personal pieces like flowers and candles.

One project that made a huge difference where the pair of high back chairs that I begged my HR department to be allowed to use. These were originally covered in ugly red and green faux leather.  It was a simple matter of recovering both of them in matching damask fabric that I had found on sale.  It is amazing the difference a staple gun and 4 metres of fabric can make.  Thankfully my boss at the time was so used to my creative outbursts that she merely shook her head and laughed after finding me on my office floor, staple gun in hand.  All in all, I've spent only $30 on my space.  But lets be real - the decor is not what makes my space relaxing.   The secret to an amazing space that is relaxing and inspires creativity is to ensure there is a LACK OF OFFICE CLUTTER!

You know what I'm talking about - binders, in-boxes and stands that hold file folders.  WHY DO WE DISPLAY THESE.  It is just as easy to open a drawer or go to a book case to grab these reference items.  Cork boards covered in telephone directories are not wall art!!   Wouldn't it be nice to come in to your work space each day to a clean slate.  I simply shove everything into my drawers at the end of the day and no one is the wiser!

So here are my key tips for an amazing office:

1 -  Get rid of the clutter.

2-   Art it up - go to second hand stores Ikea for frames and fill them with personal pictures for your desk and beautiful photography for the walls (calendars are perfect for this or frame your child's paintings)

3 - Add little touches - polished rocks in a dish, flowers in a vase, one small plant (stay away from fussy spider plants - stick to succulents)

4 - Scrounge for spare furniture - even the ugliest chairs can either be painted or recovered

5 - Change the lighting - Florescent lights suck - I had some of the lights above my desk removed and instead have a floor lamp from Ikea that was left behind.  I love when people have desk lamps as well - it instantly feels more warm and cosy.

Even if all you do is reduce your clutter and add a few touches - it will make all the difference.  Give it a try - you deserve it!