Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chandelier Revisited


I recently received a chandelier - complete with actual crystals from a friend of my mother's and instantly knew where to hang it. My kitchen. The issue - it was brass and a little scuffed from the travel to my house.  The solution...paint it!


If you are planning on doing this with an old chandelier - here's a tip - make sure you take a photo before with all the crystals in their correct location because this isn't the easiest thing to reassemble once it is hanging from the ceiling and a picture takes out a lot of the guess work.

I used various shades of brown, burnt sienna and copper paint and stippled over the brass finish.  The effect blends in beautifully with my kitchen (and hopefully makes it a little less country - I'm not allowed to paint out the wood cabinets but if I were - they would be painted white so quickly your head would spin). 

I will admit that any type of electrical work scares the bejezus out of me but I haven't let that stop me yet.  The neat thing about this piece is that I can paint it again if I choose to move and have it go with another colour scheme.  One thing is for sure - it will never be brass again.

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